The mystical beauty and power of women together as ONE
Divine Femininity

Divine Femininity

I am dreaming and creating.
Ingrid Firmhofer, Photojounalist

I trust, that if we as women stand together as sisters supporting each other, nourishing each other and overcoming the old patterns of rivalry - we can change the world.
Jenny, Assistant to the Managing Director

Anger, conciously felt in our body, brings the gift of clarity and the strength to stand up and make a change.
Jenny, Assistant to the Managing Director

I love to feel life energy vibrating in my body. When I can surrender to the ecstasy of the moment and my mind keeps still for a while.
Jenny, Assistant to the Managing Director

It´s so nice, I wanna hear the same song twice!

Look into my eyes and see me – the wild woman and the vulnerable one, wise and doubtful, courageous and insecure, the whore and the holy – I am all of it and so much more.
Jenny, Assistant to the Managing Director

My fire is burning and it will never stop

Fuck you!

Come to yourself, I am with me!

I am a lion woman!
Michaela Lucas, opera singer

Mi alma nadie la puede domar
Susanne, funcionaria pública con vocación masajista

With my body I praise you Great Mother and open up for your grace
Jenny, Assistant to the Managing Director


Like a panther in a lurking position, I focus on life.
Christel Walter, Office organizer and dance teacher

Be careful of your thoughts - they are the beginning of deeds.
Christel Walter, Office organizer and dance teacher

Wild Soul, free Heart.
Nina, Yoga Teacher

With the arms wide open I surrender to my wild heart's beat

The entire universe is within me.
Nina, Yoga Teacher

I am divine and expanding all over the universe
Ingrid Firmhofer, Photojounalist

La vulnerabilidad requiere valor para mostrarse como eres.
Charlotte, comadrona en spé, Alemania