Black Madonna For President
Photo- and Textproject
Black Madonna for President
What does it mean to be a complete woman?
1.3 Temporary outline and participants
1.4 Agreements between Photographed Women and Photographers
2 How do I achieve this through photos and text?
2.2 Text accompanying the Image
2.3 Project Title, Main Text and Name of the Website on Each Image
3 Sexuality is a Main Focus of the Project
3.1 Sexuality is missing in spiritual groups
3.2 Capitalism, Sexism and Racism
4 Sex positive feminism and why we owe its spread to black women
5 Where does the Black Madonna come from and what does it mean?
1 Project Description
1.1 The Aims of the Project
A somewhat simple but very common definition of feminism is "equality between men and women". But we don't want to be equal to men. We want
to live our male characteristics like anger without being called hysterical or furious, or assertiveness and ferocity without being classified as too masculine,
the female values (Yin) to be appreciated again: sensuality, devotion, vulnerability, intuition, wisdom, which is connected to age, and connection.
that eroticism is seen as a sacred source of creation and creativity that takes place when Yin and Yang meet.
Connection means the inter-connectedness of everything with everything, e.g. to nature, to men, to oneself and to one's own feelings, which are in the body. Capitalism separates and uses racism and sexism. Eroticism is covered with the most toxic shame. Toxic shame is the internalized and buried shame that rots within us. The aim of the project is to create awareness to the toxic shame on these aspects and I want to devote this project especially to the women who are affected by both racism and sexism and to whom we owe sex-positive feminism: black female dancehall and Hip Hop artists.
1.2 Project Character
This is a photo- and text-project. I show the photos on my website and on social media. There, I show the women's photos and their statements in text form on or next to the photos. In addition, I explain my idea behind the project in my own text. I don't want to commit myself to a certain style because I want to develop and grow in every direction. I want to use both digital and analogue photography. I may retouch, but not to change the body of the participants.
1.3 Temporary outline and participants
I started taking photos for this project in March 2017. Only in the course of time it became clear to me where it should lead me and that in future I would like to involve more women in the project who do not correspond to the patriarchal norm of beauty. For my project I am looking for women who do not correspond to the ideal of beauty that is presented to us by the advertising industry. I am looking for women who feel comfortable with their bacon rolls. I look for women with hair on their legs and under their armpits. I look for women who do not confuse being angry with being ugly or hysterical. I look for women who are proud of their sensuality and eroticism. I look for women who feel erotic in old age or with physical limitations against the usual clichés. I am looking for challenging and wild women of any skin color. I look for women who are vulnerable and soft. I look for women who are not ashamed of their spirituality. I look for mothers who are not ashamed to breastfeed their children in public. I look for sexually self-determined women who don't ask a man for permission before they join, neither their husband nor their boss. Self-confident intersexuals are also cordially invited. The project is not limited in time, but I aim to photograph 100 women by July 2020.
1.4 Agreements between Photographed Women and Photographers
I have signed model releases for the photo shootings included here and am therefore allowed to publish them. All released photos are also published in the social media, whereby the context of the project is always clear. Every woman will be able to choose whether to publish only her first name or also her surname and her profession. They will be able to veto photos that they do not want to have published. There will be neither slut-shaming nor prude-shaming, which means I will not tell a woman that something is too revealing, nor will I pressurize her to publish something by calling her prude. If she decides after the shooting that certain pictures should not be published but she wants to keep those pictures, she could buy them. The photos will only be sold to magazines if the connection to the project is recognizable.
1.5 Finances
I will ask the participating women to help cover the cost of additional equipment and location costs. A small amount of money will be earned through the pictures bought by the women. I can sell the photos to projects with similar intentions. I will ask some VIPs if they want to participate in the project, be it through photography, financing or both. I will try crowdfunding to cover my costs and make my idea a reality.
2 How do I achieve these Goals through photos and text?
2.1 Photos
Dance can be therapeutic and convey a better body feeling and self-acceptance, so can photos. Instead of through dance, music or words, the women photographed express their wildness, love, sensuality, spirituality, eroticism, etc. through photos and treat their bodies like art.
Maria Brüderl, who has a lot of experience with body-oriented women's work, helped me during the first photo sessions with the mysterious dark series so far by bringing us into contact with our bodies with a guided meditation and dance before the photo session begins. She provided the right music, depending on which aspect I was about to photograph. I also let myself be photographed thus insuring my integration. During these photo sessions, the interplay of all these factors creates a safe space in which the participants bring their inner selves outwards. The body consciousness that the women feel during the photo session becomes visible in the photos. We women should become aware of our own inner and outer beauty through the pictures. Every woman has the choice to let the picture speak for itself or to add accompanying text to her photo. The magic of the picture and the dignity it radiates should already show that we are not objects, but holistic beings. It becomes clear from the project context that we take this step voluntarily and self-determined. We do not show our photos so that others should confirm us as sufficient and thus reward our bodies with attention. The motive for showing a photo publicly is crucial.
2.2 Name and profession
The more information is provided, the freer the women are. I have heard several times from women that they cannot participate for professional reasons or because their husbands have something against it. The omission of this information also provides information about how free we actually are in our society. It is very understandable for a woman not to give her full name, if her contact information could be found on the Internet and she does not want to be molested.
2.3 Text accompanying the Image and the KOnzept of direct action
The text upon each picture is not about what we do NOT want and what we are NOT. It is rather about what we want, and what we and our visions are. The nature and length of the text are free but should be short enough to fit onto a photo. The project is not a protest, it is direct action: acting as if you were already free.
2.4 Project Title, Main Text and Name of the Website on Each Image
The pictures are only published in connection with the title of the project name "The Black Madonna for President". Even if the photos are distributed without text, the curiosity about title should attract the viewer to my website where further explanations are provided. In the main text I explain what the "Divine Feminine" and the "Divine Masculine" are and how the Black Madonna and black women are connected with the topic.
3 Sexuality is a Main Focus of the Project
I find all above mentioned aspects of sensuality, devotion, vulnerability, intuition, age and wisdom, anger and fury, eroticism and connection all equally important. Nevertheless I focus on sexuality more because of the following two reasons.
3.1 Sexuality is missing in spiritual groups
Many people from the western world visit other cultures to get inspiration on how to live happier lives because we feel that they're living something that can't be lived here, for example spirituality, serenity, intuition and eroticism.
There is a lot going on in spiritual groups, but only a few dare to approach Tantra. Even there you learn more about sensuality than about erotic. This is because sexuality is toxified more with shame than any other of the above mentioned aspects. There are groups and women´s circles in which people could learn how to feel emotions in the body, how to meditate and dance themselves ecstatically into trance. But where are the hips, where is the erotic? Sometimes you can see sensuality in the slow movements. Belly dance is already accepted by some spiritual seeking women as a means of self-discovery, because it strengthens body feeling and self-confidence. But that is still not enough for me. Where's the wild side of sexuality? Where is the demanding? This is something I was impressed with when travelling around the world and seeing black women dance. Isn't it sacred?
3.2 Capitalism, Sexism and Racism
Men have always controlled women’s sexuality in order to make sure that only the man’s own offsprings inherit the man’s property. This started when humanity began to think that you can own land and nature. Humans called themselves humans to differentiate themselves from animals and took animals and other people into captivity. Antrophologist Mark Dyble, for example, studied the Palanan Agta community of collectors and hunters in the Congo and found a high degree of sexual equality. He therefore came to the same conclusion as I did, namely that there was equality before the introduction of agriculture. [1] It became especially tough during the Great Witch Hunt (1470 – 1750) which started when the feudal system in Europe collapsed and industrialization began. Due to natural catastrophes and the plague in the 14th century a third of the European population died. Hence there was not enough human capital.[2] The intention of the Great Witch Hunt was to make women nothing other than breeders. The largest landowner of Europe, the church, lost 50% of its peasants during the great plague in England.[3] Wise medical women who knew about contraception and abortion were therefore the focus and the first to be killed in the fires.[4] Sexuality just for pleasure became forbidden, especially for women. Any sexual activity that threatened procreation, the transmission of property within the family, or took time and energy away from work was criminalised in order to conform with the new capitalist work-ethic.[5] In western Europe laws were passed which introduced death penalties for adultery as well as abortion and contraception. Birth out of wedlock became a felony because it was a sign of having sexual pleasure without actually intending to get a child.[6] Later on, every unmarried woman with a child was labelled a whore and the worst whores were those women who did not give birth to children.[7] Homosexuality, which was accepted in large parts of Europe was eradicated during the Renaissance. Now at the time of the witchhunt there was a new proverb:“In youth a whore, in old age a witch”.[8] The old and infertile woman was denied the right to sexuality. This is apparent in the remarks of celebrated witch hunters like Bodin, who writes that “with old women it is even worse … but again wants to remarry against all decency and understanding, hardly hears and sees, can neither stand nor walk, a true skeleton, a ghost, a witch - but she must purr and coo, after a stallion and wants to marry again” [9] Older women are past their reproductive years and dare to speak up. Killing them publicly was a very effective way to terrorize women into accepting their new place in society, as powerless breeders.
Festivities were forbidden to destroy solidarity between people. After the common land, the so called Allende, was taken from the people, men were forced to work for wage and women were degraded to be production machines for human capital. This plan worked very well and right after the killing of the wise women and the installation of the new controll system of the sexuality and social life. Consequently the population exploded in the 16th century. It exploded because of growing birth rates and not, as we learned in school, because of falling mortality. [10] The explosion was so extreme that there was even enough people to conquer other continents and settle people there. After the women were deprived of their responsibility for their own bodies, a big child and mass misery began.[11] This system of sexuality control has been exported throughout the whole world ever since. Despite this export, African and South American women kept their economic independence a lot longer than the European women. The enslaved women in the Americas were equal to their husbands because they had to do the same hard work as the men. In the meantime, the European women had already lost every self-esteem and the connection to their bodies. Their bodies have been degraded to a machine. It is therefore not surprising that among all the white women at the Adron women's meeting in Ohio, not a single one could stand up to the provocateurs who wanted to deny the women the right to vote, when they could not even walk across a puddle without the support of the man. Only Sojourner Truth, an emancipated enslaved woman, could rescue the women´s meeting with her famous speech "Ain't I a Woman?" She even dared to say: "Whar did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothin' to do wid Him." [12]
In Africa and other continents people kept intuition, social solidarity, connection to nature and hence, to their own bodies. This lasted until there was another harsh wave of land grabbing in the era of neoliberalism, which was instituted with the 1980s policy of structural adjustment, implemented by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Since then, women become economically dependent and witch-hunts have been going on in these countries without being mentioned in the international press[13]. But there are still enough women from whom we can learn. Just because we Western women got back our economic freedom earlier, does not mean that we got back our connectedness and our femininity.
It is important to know about the mechanisms of racism and sexism in history, because these mechanisms are used again and again. And it needs to be mentioned that hardly any man helped women during the big Witch Hunt. The only known example of men as a group defending the women of their community was a group of fishermen from St Jean-de-Luz in the Basque country. [14]
White women wanted to help the slaves first. They realized that they needed to get the right to vote first in order to help. After the upper class women realized that black men would get this right before them, they started to be racist. And they not only attacked the black population, but also the proletarian analphabetic working men as well as the immigrants, i.e. all groups which were exploited by the new monopoly capitalists.[15]
4 Sex positive feminism and why we owe its spread to black women
That feminism has gradually become sex-positive feminism is due to the movement of black women who have had enough of being patronized by white women. They had had enough of a dry, joyless feminism, which interpreted their femininity and their wild sexuality in dance as an "objectification". As early as 1999, the African American academic Joan Morgan at Stanford University made it clear with her "Hip Hop Feminism" that feminism and a sexual pleasure on display are not mutually exclusive. There is no African dance that was not first accompanied by indignation and contempt from the white upper class, but then was gradually appropriated by them. Madonna makes no secret of the fact that her art is consciously inspired by other cultures and that she loves Afro-American culture. She also had to put up with a lot, but probably that's nothing compared to what black female hip-hop and dancehall musicians went through. Dancehall is a music style based on reggae with similarities to hip-hop.
Especially these genres are so aggressive, misogynist and homophobic that as a passionate reggae dancer, I turned my back to the dance when it was replaced by the dancehall and started drumming instead. Women are referred to in the songs as "bitches", "hoes" (whores) or "pussies". Violence against women seems normal and pimping is glorified.
The black women, however, grew up in this environment and did not let nobody spoil their fun with the music and their body. Morgan made it clear in her book "When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost - A Hip-Hop Feminist Breaks It Down” that there is not only black and white, but also grey. And this grey area contains the contradictions of
loving an art that does not accept you as belonging
loving men who sometimes refuse to portray you in your entirety
being against sexual objectification while proudly embracing your sexuality.
And as a self-defined feminist who grew up with hip-hop, she didn't mince words when she said, “And how come no one ever admits that part of the reason women love hip-hop – as sexist as it is – is ´cuz all that in-yo-face testosterone makes our nipples hard?”[16]
In the 80s the two hip-hop artists Salt-n-Pepa declared themselves feminists and the first female rap singer MC Lyte sang openly about her sexuality and her own magnificence. In the 1990s, the third wave of feminism brought the removal of sexual taboos into academic white circles. But how is it that, in the context of sex-positive feminism, the women who lived this feminism, fought hardest and made it accessible to the general public, are nowhere mentioned in this context? Female MCs such as Foxy Brown, Lauren Hill, Queen Latifah and Miss Elliott made clear statements about sexuality and discrimination against women. They were constantly accused of making themselves an object.
Currently, it is mainly the dance forms of twerking [17] and daggering (dry sex), which though considered vulgar, spread across the world from Jamaica in no time at all. My agency wouldn't accept the Passa Passa photos I made of this famous place in Kingston, the origin of dancehall, because they were "too vulgar".
Kingston Jamaica
Passa Passa
Basically, art forms such as dancehall and hip-hop portray in the most blatant form what is going on in the patriarchal world: abuse of all feminine values. It is precisely from this art form that the counter-movement to balance arises. Puerto Rican reggaeton singer Ivy Queen announced in 2003 in her song "Quiero Bailar" (I want to dance) that she loves to dance the perreo (dog) while sweating and rubbing her butt against her partner. But then it ends with the chorus "Eso no quiere decir que pa' la cama voy" (This does not mean that I go to bed with you).
Passa Passa, Kingston Jamaica
She makes it clear that women can also enjoy their wildest sexuality in public, just as men do without losing possession of their bodies. I have seen similar forms of dance even from self-confident older women on my travels before. Not only did I se it, they literally took me by the hand and taught me how to move my hips without laughing at me. There are also enough examples of this on youtube, which shows that this is an old form of ritual dance. The Baikoko dance, for example, which is mainly danced in Tanzania and Kenya and the similarity to twerking is unmistakable.[18] The women used it for contraception and abortion. Twerking is therefore not a perfidious invention of today's youth. Apart from this, many African dance forms in particular is a form of spiritual dancing into the ground to connect with Mother Earth.
In 2016 Beyoncé made it clear on the world stage of the Super Bowl that a woman can be anything: Sex goddess, successful entrepreneur, artist, mother and feminist.
Another great example is tennis star Serena Williams who commented on her shooting during which she shows her curves in a thong bikini: "People have been talking about my body for a really long time. Good things, great things, negative things. People are entitled to have their opinions, but what matters most is how I feel about me, because that’s what’s going to permeate the room I’m sitting in. It’s going to make you feel that I have confidence in myself whether you like me or not, or you like the way I look or not, if I do. That’s the message I try to tell other women and in particular young girls. You have to love you, and if you don’t love you no one else will. And if you do love you, people will see that and they’ll love you too."[19]
I'm waiting for more women to live this kind of authentic eroticism at any age and with any body shape. I am waiting for female politicians who connect their bodies as well as their minds with their spirituality. And where is the body consciousness and sexuality in the esoteric and spiritual circles of the western world? It's hard to find there, and certainly not the wild side of sexuality.
5 Where does the Black Madonna come from and what does it mean?
For at least 5000 years, the body and any kind of matter, has only been an annoying appendage that has to function. In ancient cultures such as the indigenous Indians, the pre-Egyptians, the yogis in India, etc., whose truth was preserved thanks to their traditions, but also their monuments, matter was equated with the feminine and spirit with the masculine. In these cultures, however, matter, the body and femininity were not negatively delineated; they were equated with a deity. In many ancient cultures there was the type of the "Black Goddess", who was worshipped as goddesses of fertility, mother and earth. Thus the goddesses Kybele, Astarte, Isis and Ischtar were worshipped in Anatolia, Egypt and Mesopotamia. Artemis, Demeter and Ceres were worshipped in the West, and Kali in the East.[20]
The Crusaders brought statues of Isis, the black goddess, who were worshipped underground as Black Madonnas. She was opposed to the increasingly popular Virgin Mary and stood for the unity of sexuality and spirituality of body and mind. Wherever there is a statue of the Black Madonna, the devotion to Mary Magdalene is particularly strong. The Crusaders were the only group allowed to practice their own spirituality. But they had to do this in secret. They were ardent admirers of Mary Magdalene and John the Baptist and built chapels, churches and cathedrals for Mary and John everywhere. Many people, myself included, believe that the crusaders worshipped Mary Magdalene and the goddess Isis in the Black Madonna.
In early Christianity there were a multitude of teachings and practices. It was not until the Romans that one version of Christianity became the state religion. This version separated mind and matter and defined God as outside of us. It made sex into a sin and that is why we become sinners from birth. Moreover, if we want to have a connection between matter and spirit in order to speak to God, we need a mediator, a male priest. I mention this, because the Black Madonna is part of Christianity, but not part of the Christianity lived by the church today.
Mother Mary stands for the heart, purity and spiritual devotion and is cut off from her sexuality. Women should identify with the archetype of Mother Mary and be devoted mothers who put their needs behind those of others. The woman can only be either a mother or a whore, pure or immoral. Sexuality and spirituality should not exist side by side. The separation of sexuality and spirituality goes hand in hand with the separation of body and mind. The power of the images of these archetypes has spread like poison in our bodies and shame is in the collective consciousness of humanity, whether someone is religious or not. In Europe in particular, women have been traumatized since the burning of the witches.
This hostile attitude towards the body did not begin with the Abrahamic religions. You can find it in the ancient Greek myths and before. Zeus is the almighty spiritual creator and he and other gods began to devour or rob the goddesses, rape and seize female power. They began to give birth not only to words but also to children. Spirit and soul are regarded as infinite, whereas matter is regarded as finite and thus worthless. Descartes expressed this in his quotation "I think, therefore I am." and his meditation “I am not this body.” Many spiritual people today meditate a lot and contemptuously refer to the physical as Maya or illusion without realizing that they are going the same way as many religions, losing the ground under their feet. They lose touch with their bodies and thus with their emotions. Leonardo da Vinci said to his students:
“And the desire of the soul is to live in its body, for without its tools it can neither think nor feel.”
Not only women suffer because the female principle is trampled underfoot, but also Mother Earth and men too. Not only men despise the feminine, but also women. Both men and women have both male and female characteristics and unless they lovingly integrate them, they will not make peace with themselves or with others.
6 The feminine and the masculine principle
Everything including human beings comprises of both feminine and masculine energies, though only one of them is dominant in each of us. Most spiritual traditions refer to the feminine and masculine archetypes. The Daoist model refers to them as Yin and Yang.
Yin = Divine Feminine
water, earth
cooperative, networking
peaceful, empathic
show weakness
show vulnerability
associative thinking
spirituality, magic, creativity, wisdom
peace, recreation
cyclical thinking, “as well…as”
everything is connected and spiritual
Yang = Divine Masculine
fire, air
competitive, hierarchy
show power
show functioning
dividing, analyzing
science, abstract, logic
growth, movement acceleration
causal, linear, dualistic thinking, “either … or”
separation between sacral and secular
courage, self-confidence
Each and every one of these characteristics can be harmful or beneficial depending on the situation. Now, reading this classification, of course, immediately raises the objection that men are spiritual and emphatic as well and that women are presented as the better sex according to this classification. However none of these characteristics are evaluated. It is not a question of one being good and the other bad. One does not exist without the other and only both result in a whole. They are inseparable opposites. Yin is more dominant in women and yang in men, but it's like saying "women are small and men are big." In fact, there are only slight variations up and down from the average. And we concentrate on these deviations. We are not seeing that both Yin and Yang exist in each of us.
7 Grey instead of black and white
The Black Madonna (or the Black Goddess) stands for an "as well…as" and overcomes the duality of "either... or". To do this, however, it is necessary to recognize the other side of ourselves, because this is the only way to stop judging and condemning others. We learn to accept ourselves and others as we and they are. We know that we didn't know any better when we had made a mistake and that this also applies to everyone else. This is not an easy task, because we have to look at our shadows and let old habits die in order to make room for new things. Healing begins only when we stop thinking in the dimensions of black and white and instead realize that there are also shades of grey. This is exactly what Joan Morgan talks about when she writes that the male hip-hop artists can make women objects and yet she can love these men. The black women who think like that don't answer with revenge. They do not cut themselves off from their enjoyment of life out of fear of objectification. I have respect for that, because that is real humility.
Someone who exploits power acts without love. So if you think that it is an expression of power for men to violate sexual boundaries, then perhaps it is an expression of external power. Internally, these men are atrophied. In these men sits shame as well, if not, they would have not become abusive. "Shame is more likely the cause of destructive behavior than the healing.”[21] Shame leads to the fact that the expression of feelings is no longer allowed and this in turn leads to even more violence, writes the American psychiatrist, James Gilligan.[22]
The most dominant dualities are mind/body, reason/intuition and life/death. The female characteristics of body, intuition and death were subjected to the male antipoles. If we identify with only one side and suppress the other, we have a wrong view of reality and cannot become whole. At the same time, we are always whole, because there is no duality before language.
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”
Like all feelings, shame sits deep in the body and will remain there as long as we prefer being ashamed to showing compassion. The body gets bullied, the earth gets bullied, feminine qualities get bullied. Female goddesses, expression of eros, beauty, lust, and all other female goddesses were wiped out. You have to see things in a bigger context. It is about how we want to deal with each other, how we want to deal with ourselves and integrate yin (female) - and yang (male) into ourselves.
“Man’s feeling that he is an isolated being in an alien environment is a basic illusion that leads to others. The West, victim of this illusion, looks down on all things associated with nature, including all things feminine.[23] …This has moral consequences in terms of how we treat or mistreat that which we mistakenly consider to be apart from us.”[24]
It's about putting aside the argument of who was there first: the hen or the egg, the mind or the matter, the duality or the fusion in unity. Both condition each other and the link is the energy of sexuality. We can do other things with this life force, which strives for union, and not only live out this energy in sexual union. Whenever the whole is more than the sum of its parts, then Eros was at work. Heaven connects with earth, the immortal with the mortal.
[1] Angela Saini, Inferior, London, 4th Estate, 2017, p. 152
[2] Gunnar Heinsohn, Otto Steiger, 2. Aufl., München, 1987„Die Vernichtung der weisen Frauen, München, p. 14, 47
[3] Gunnar Heinsohn, Otto Steiger, p. 108
[4] Gunnar Heinsohn, Otto Steiger, p. 13
[5] Silvia Frederici; Caliban and the Witch; Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation; Autonomedia; 200, p. 194
[6] Gunnar Heinsohn, Otto Steiger, p. 115
[7] Gunnar Heinsohn, Otto Steiger, p. 170
[8] Silvia Federici, Caliban und die Hexe, 2018, 5. Aufl., Wien, Berlin, p. 243
[9] Silvia Federici, p. 238
[10] Gunnar Heinsohn, p. 134
[11] Gunnar Heinsohn, p. 16
[12] Angela Davis, Rassismus und Sexismus, Schwarze Frauen und Klassenkampf in den USA, Berlin, 1982
[13] Silvia Federici, Women, Witch-Hunting and Enclosures in Africa Today,, 2019
[14] Silvia Frederici; Caliban and the Witch; Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation; Autonomedia; 200, p. 170.
[15] Angela Davis, p. 112, 113
[16] Morgan, Joan:When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost: A Hip-Hop Feminist Breaks it Down, New York, 1999, p. 58
[17] If you don't know what Twerking is, watch the video "Serena Williams Teaches Us How To Twerk"
[18] An example for Baikoko
[20] .
[21] Brene Brown, Rising Strong, London, p. 128
[22] Gilligan, James (2003): Shame, Guilt, and Violence. In: Social Research 70 (4), p. 1149-118 0
[23] Allan Watts, Here and Now (2012): Contributions to Psychology, Philosophy, and Religion, New York, p. 164
[24] Allan Watts, Here and Now (2012): Contributions to Psychology, Philosophy, and Religion, New York, p. 150