Looking for anarchist models
Freya is my first real anarchist. Most of the other photos I made for this project so far correspond too much to the norm ideal of beauty. I have photos from Freya where she corresponds to this norm as well, but on this photo she has her hands down and one can see her belly. Oh my Goshhh! And this is why I love this photo most.
For my project “The Black Madonna For President” I am looking for women who do not correspond to the ideal of beauty that is presented to us by advertising. I am looking for women who feel comfortable with their bacon rolls. I look for women with hair on their legs and under their armpits. I look for women who do not confuse angry with ugly or hysterical. I look for women who are proud of their sensuality and eroticism. I look for women who feel erotic in old age or with physical limitations against the usual clichés. I am looking for challenging and wild women of any skin color. I look for women who are vulnerable and soft. I look for women who are not ashamed of their spirituality. I look for mothers who are not ashamed to breastfeed their children in public. I look for sexually self-determined women who don't ask a man for permission before they join, neither their husband nor their boss. Self-confident intersexuals and transwomen are also cordially invited.